... or should I call them "spiderweb like shadows of an out of focus light bulb"? :)
those are shot late at night, when i was playing with the manual focus of the 50/1.8 lens (actually I like more the out of focus images than the 'clear' one)
for the second time this year (a premiere in my life time), the lilacs at my country house is blooming. I've never seen lilac's flowers next to sunflower :)
photos taken with Nikkor 35/2, in aperture priority mode. the first two at f/6.3, the third one at f/4 and the last one is wide open. (jpg with auto contrast, auto levels, resize and small amount of USM)
'Armed' with my new lenses, I got out around the neighbourhood to put them to the test. These are some flowers, taken with Sigma 24/2.8, at f/4, ISO 200. (developed from raw, some slight contrast adjustments and resize for web)